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General Practitioner Vogelenbuurt

Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 08:00 – 17:00 – Telephone: 030-2714196



Emergency 08:00 – 17:00  (06) 54308669  
Out of Office Hours: 088 – 130 96 70
General Practitioner Urgent Care Center; Burgemeester Fockema Andrealaan 60, Utrecht – Call first. More information
Life threatening emergencies: call 112

Emergency? Choose the right healthcare



GPinfo.nl – Health information now also available in English

In our practice we see more and more internationalclients/patients. Because we want to inform them properly, we would like to introduce you to www.GPinfo.nl.

What you can find at GPinfo.nl:

  • Health information in English
  • ​Reliable and up-to-date information on the most common health issues
  • ​How to be better prepared for your GP visit
  • ​Tips on what you can do yourself if you feel unwell
  • ​Information about the healthcare system in theNetherlands

All medical information is based on scientific guidelines of general practitioners and medical specialists and guidelines for mental health issues.

New patients

Inhabitants of zipcode 3514 are able to register in the practice. The following form can be used: Registration form



You can call for an appointment from 08:00 – 17:00  030-2714196


Home visits

In case you need a doctor, but you are not able to come to the office for medical reasons, the doctor can do a house call. If you would like the doctor to make a home visit, please consult the assistant before 10:30 in the morning.


Consultation by telephone

When you would like to discuss a problem with the doctor by telephone (e.g. for lab results), you can let us know. The doctor will call you back.


In our practice it is now possible to receive digital advice. How? Via the handy chat function or the symptom checker on our website or in the Quin app.


Chat function

Do you have a general or less urgent medical question? Then ask them quickly and easily via the chat function on this website or in the Quin app. One of the general practitioners will answer your question as quickly as possible, but in any case within 2 working days. Do you use the app? You will then receive a notification on your smartphone when you receive a message back from the practice employee.


Symptom checker

You will receive accurate and reliable information about your complaints, at any time of the day.

You can find the symptom checker on this website or in the Quin app. Click on ‘Check my health complaint’ and enter your complaints. This way you know whether it is necessary to go to the doctor and whether there is a hurry. You will also immediately receive a handy overview of possible causes of your complaint. Handy, right?

Don’t have the Quin app yet? Then download it for free on your smartphone.


Download Quin app

Scan the QR code with your smartphone camera to download the Quin app, or click on this link. 

Need help?

Do you have any questions about the symptom checker on the website? Then you can always reach us on 030-2714196.

If you have any questions or need help downloading, installing or have any other questions about the Quin, please visit Quin support.


Refills (repeat prescriptions)

When you would like to get a refill of your medication you can call the “prescription-line” 030-2714196 (choose 2).
If you are requesting the recipe before noon, you can pick up your medication at the pharmacy of your choice the next day.


Invitation to participate in healthcare services survey

Dear international,

Healthcare providers in Utrecht are conducting a survey on the experiences of internationals with healthcare services in Utrecht region. This survey is conducted in cooperation with Healthcare for internationals (www.h4i.nl).

We invite you to participate in this anonymous survey, that can be found here: https://nl.surveymonkey.com/r/HealthUtrecht

It will take about 5-10 minutes of your time. The results of this survey will be published early next year. From the results of the survey we expect to learn to what extent our healthcare services are meeting the needs of internationals.  

Thank you very much for your participation.


More information about healthcare in The Netherlands

Here you can find all your info of healthcare in the Netherlands.